Tri-Golf A Triumphant Success

Posted: 20th May 2019

Last week J2 Highclare Preparatory pupils welcomed guests from Dixie Grammar School to participate in a wonderful afternoon of golf at the Highclare Sports Fields.

With perfect weather for a sporting event and motivational J6 helpers on hand the J2 Tri-Golf Tournament was a brilliant success.

The afternoon consisted of a number of skill stations testing technique and teamwork including nets, parachutes and cones!   Congratulations to Highclare Navy on being the winning team on the day and all teams for taking part with such enthusiasm.

Position Team
1st Place Highclare Navy
2nd Place Highclare Green, Highclare Red
3rd Place Dixie 2


Thank you to Dixie Grammar School for another outstanding year of golf

Categories: News Preparatory School