The first of the U6 EPQ presentations has been successfully presented!

Posted: 21st March 2019

The EPQ qualification is a great opportunity for students to demonstrate their passion for a particular topic and an ability to work independently over a lengthy period of time. It is therefore a valuable resource for personal statements and interviews and, in its development of mature study skills, it provides an excellent preparation for study at undergraduate level.

The process of designing their personal extended project began in the Autumn term of the L6 year, with students creating a research proposal based on a topic of personal interest. Once the research proposal is approved students are expected to independently devote 90 hours to its production, undertaking extensive research,  completing a report of up to 5000 words and delivering a presentation of their findings to staff and students.

This year’s U6 presentations were wonderfully diverse and included an artefact project based on the experience of writing and recording of a feminist protest song and a history/politics project entitled: was the American withdrawal of troops from Vietnam caused by the US media’s uncensored reporting and its shaping of public opinion?

Staff and students have been very impressed with the quality of work presented. We wish the best of luck to our U6 students who will need to wait until results day to find out their final marks.

As the U6 complete their EPQ journey, the L6 are progressing well with their projects and busy researching their chosen topics. We look forward to seeing the fruition of more interesting and unique projects that cover varied topics including: the impact of puberty on the performance of female swimmers; the effectiveness of using ketogenic and Atkins diets to control epileptic seizures; the legacy of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics; the impact of Industry 4.0 on the manufacturing workforce and an artefact project on refugees.

Categories: News Sixth Form
Senior School and Sixth Form Open Evening

On Thursday 10 October, we are holding our Senior School and Sixth Form Open Evening, from 4:30-7pm.

Come and experience a whistle-stop tour of the school, as we demonstrate a typical day at Highclare. Any questions you may have will be answered as you move around the school and speak to staff and students alike. Teaching staff are highly motivated professionals with a wealth of experience that they are keen to share! There will also be an address by the Head, so ensure you arrive in plenty of time in order that you do not miss out.

As places are limited, if you are interested in attending this event, please book by contacting the admissions department. You can do this by calling 0121 373 7400, emailing, or filling out the form linked below.

Highclare School holds regular Open Events throughout the year at Highclare Senior School, Highclare Preparatory School: St Paul’s, and Highclare Preparatory School: Woodfield.  However, if you miss one of our Open Events then please contact admissions for an individual appointment to visit the School during any school day. Parents are always welcome to visit, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

If you are interested in attending our event on 10 October, please click here to book your place 

To find out more about our other open events, please click here