HighC Jazz Band Aim High At Music For Youth Festival

Posted: 5th March 2019

Last week, Highclare HighC Jazz Band attended the Music for Youth Festival in Birmingham and enjoyed a fantastic afternoon performing to an audience of a collection of senior school students from across Birmingham and well-renowned music mentors.

This is the first festival HighC Jazz have attended – and Miss Cassells and Mrs Okeghie are very proud. All musicians aimed high and gave their best efforts despite the unfamiliarity of playing at such an event. The mentor at the event, on feeding back, believed that the band is a force to be reckoned with with lots of potential while noting that the size of our ensemble, being one of the smallest at the festival, made for a unique and great little jazz bandThe band received constructive feedback too – which can now be implemented to improve and develop further as an ensemble. 

On returning to school HighC Jazz received the wonderful news that they have been invited to perform at the National Festival!

The Jazz Band did not just turn up and ‘aim high’ on the day, all pupils clearly value music and its importance, and attend weekly rehearsals, giving up their Thursday lunchtimes. To get together with like-minded youngsters, make music, learn new skills, develop self-discipline, and represent their school is a true achievement that they should be proud of!

Miss Cassells, Head of Music, Senior School

Categories: News Senior School
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