Senior School Prize Giving 2017/2018

Posted: 22nd November 2018

On Friday the 16 November we welcomed past and present pupils, parents and staff to an evening of celebration at Senior School Prize Giving! A fantastic evening celebrating the success of Highclare Senior School pupils during our annual Senior School Prize Giving event.

Senior School Prize Giving is always a wonderful event on the school calendar, an opportunity to reflect on the previous school year and a chance to celebrate and recognise students for their outstanding achievements.

The evening began with a touching ‘Year in Pictures’, a visual review of the 2017/2018 academic year and a welcome and Introduction from Mrs L Flowith, our Chair of Governors, who was once again truly impressed with all that our pupils have achieved.

Dr Luker presented his report of the academic year to pupils and parents, including inspirational quotes from Einsten, reference to Take Charge and how we instil the initiative throughout the school and the Highclare holistic approach to education to help the young learners develop not only their academic intelligence, but their emotional and spiritual intelligence too. It is always wonderful to look back at the year and reflect on all of the brilliant events that have happened at school.

The report  was interjected with music and speeches including an excellent account of the 2017 Iceland trip by pupils Jessica Bonner and Jack Newman and superb performances by Joshua Cahm, a music scholar, who performed cool (by SJ Wood) and Harry Mills  who performed Violin Concerto No.5, Op 22, both recitals thrilled the congregation.

Special thanks goes to our guest speaker Mr Alex Caan who captivated and enthused pupils, parents and staff with an inspirational presentation .  Alex’s reputation is founded on working with a diverse range of sports, and his achievements include working with Olympic & Commonwealth medallists. In addition to his sporting achievements, at the age of 29 Alex won a place at the world famous Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) and as an actor, he has worked extensively in theatre and television. During Senior School Prize Giving Mr Caan spoke positively about his relentless pursuit of excellence including how he has coached athletes on the run up to the Olympics.  A powerful presentation on his five p’s for success concluded an incredibly motivating and thought provoking speech.

Following the important presentation of prizes the evening ended with a rousing performance by the Senior Choir and Rhapsody Chamber Choir of This Is Me, from The Greatest Showman, a fantastic night was had and congratulations to all involved.

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