Highclare girls U10 & Highclare boys U10 victorious at Midland ISA Cross Country Championships

Posted: 6th February 2018

Well done to all our young athletes from Highclare Junior School who competed in the Midlands Cross Country Championships at Bedstone College this week, a testing course for all and some fantastic results achieved.

Both Highclare girls U10 and Highclare boys U10 were victorious in their age group, a fantastic achievement, with both Tiffany and Hugh achieving gold medals.

A special mention to Tiffany, whose gold medal finish ensured Highclare School girls U10 pipped Malvern St. James to the post following a tie on points, a real nail-biting end to the competition!

Highclare Senior School also competed at the event, achieving 2 gold medals read about their success here.




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