Lest We Forget

Posted: 16th November 2017

We are very proud of how children throughout the school  have taken part in various commemoration tributes during November, this month of Remembrance.  J4 presented a wonderful assembly which they all took part in with great respect and Preschool have learnt about poppies through beautiful art displays.

J4 sang some wonderful, poignant songs including ‘Keep the home fires burning’, ‘There’s a hero in everybody’s heart’ and ‘Make a difference’.  They sang them with such passion and feeling that many of us were reduced to tears!

Outside of school Betty (U5R) and Veronica (U3R) Ansell proudly took part in the Remembrance Day Service at the War Memorial in Sutton Coldfield on Sunday 12th November.  Betty  is a Senior Cadet in the Sutton Coldfield Sea Cadets and her sister, Veronica is a Junior member of the brigade.  We are very proud.





Well done girls!’

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